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How to apply to be a successor in interest.

A successor in interest is someone with an ownership interest in the property, even though they aren’t obliged to repay the loan.

You may qualify as a successor in interest to a property if an ownership interest in the property was transferred to you in one of these ways:


  • As a result of the death of a co-owner of the property

  • As a result of the death of a relative

  • By a spouse or parent

  • As a result of divorce or legal separation

  • Through a living trust

If we confirm you as a successor in interest to a property, we will send you communications and information about the mortgage loan secured by the property.

If you have any questions, please call us at 671-472-8210.


*This request does not change who is financially responsible for the loan.*


Luscious Palm Leaves

Here’s what we need to review your request to be a successor in interest on the account

All applicants must sign, date and return these items:


  • A completed Cover Sheet

  • A notarized Applicant Identification Form

  • The documents listed below that apply to your situation

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    To download the Successor in Interest form, click here.

    The documents listed below for each situation are representative of the documents required to confirm a successor in interest but are not exhaustive. Depending on the state in which the property is located, documents not listed below may be acceptable.


    If you have questions about the documents required for your situation, please call us at 671-472-8210

    Transfer resulting from death of a co-owner of the property, such as a joint tenant or tenant by the entirety

  • A certified copy of the death certificate, and

  • A copy of the most recently executed deed showing (i) that you and the deceased were joint tenants or tenants by the entirety, (ii) you and the deceased held title as community property, or (iii) a transfer of the deceased customer’s interest in the property upon their death

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    Transfer upon the death of a relative

  • A certified copy of the death certificate,

  • Document confirming you are a relative of the deceased customer (e.g., copy of birth certificate or marriage license), and

  • One of the following:

    • A copy of Letters of Administration or Letters Testamentary and either a copy of the will (if it isn’t in the Letters Testamentary) or an affidavit confirming you as an heir or beneficiary of the deceased customer

    • A court order or other judicial determination of heir showing the title going to you

    • A copy of a Trust Agreement or Trust Certification signed by the trustee, showing you as a beneficiary

    • If available, a copy of the most recently executed deed conveying title to you

  • ​

    Transfer from a spouse or parent

  • Document confirming you are a spouse or child of the living customer, and

  • A copy of the most recently executed deed transferring the title to you

  • ​

    Transfer resulting from divorce or legal separation

  • A copy of the most recently recorded deed transferring title from the customer to you and a copy of a marriage certificate or other confirmation that you are a spouse or a former spouse of the customer, or

  • A copy of a divorce decree, legal separation agreement, or property settlement agreement showing title to the property going to you

  • ​

    Transfer to a living trust

  • Trust Agreement or Trust Certification signed by trustee

  • If the customer is not the trustee, certification in writing that there has been no change to the customer’s rights of occupancy in the property as a result of the transfer into the trust 

  • ​

    Frequently Asked Questions


    Does owning a property and being liable for mortgage payments mean the same thing?

    No. You can be the property owner without being liable for making payments. However, the property is still subject to the terms of the mortgage, and payments should be made to keep the loan in good standing. If the loan is not kept up to date, it could affect your ownership.


    I would like to have financial responsibility for the loan - what do I need to do?

    Please call us at 1-671-472-8210. We will discuss your options with you.


    Can I receive loan information if I'm not a family member?

    Yes, as long as you are a successor, trustee, or appointed as a fiduciary of the deceased customer's estate.


    Why do you need proof of relationship?

    We need to verify your identity to protect our customer's information.


    How do I know if the loan is up to date?

    We can tell you about the loan status if we confirm you as a successor in interest.


    Can I provide photocopies of the documents you are requesting?

    Yes, we will accept copies. Please call us if you are being added because all the borrowers are deceased and you are having trouble finding the death certificate.


    How do I get a copy of the executed deed for the property?

    Contact the recorder's office for the county where the property is located.


    Do you charge a fee for making changes to the account?



    What if I still have questions about the mortgage loan?

    Please call us at 671-472-8210.

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