Miscellaneous Fees and Charges
As of September 1, 2024
Member Account Miscellaneous Fees
Share Account Early Closure : $20.00 if closed within 30 days of account opening
SmartCheck Early Closure: $25.00 if closed within 90 days of account opening
Holiday Club Early Withdrawal or Closure: $25.00 for withdrawals or closure prior to November 1st
Money Market Excessive Transfer Fee: $5.00 for each transfer after 6 per month
Verification of Account or Loan: $1.00
Statement Hold: $1.00 per month
NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds Fee) Per Item - Checks or ACH (includes all re-presentments) : $25.00
Overdraft Transfer Protection : $7.00 per item
Check Orders and Counter-Temporary Checks: Check orders vary depending on style and Counter-Temporary Checks -$1.50 per sheet (4 checks)
Check Writing Fee: $0.50 per check after 5 (Smartcheck Basic Only)
SmartCheck Classic Monthly Maintenance (No longer offered): $1.25 (applies to existing accounts only)
College Accounts Miscellaneous Fees
Early Closure - College SmartCheck: $25.00 if closed within 90 days of opening
NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds Fee) per Item - Checks or ACH (includes all re-presentments) : $15.00
Deposited Return Item Fee: $10.00
CollegeClub Early Withdrawal : $15.00 for withdrawals, other than account closure
CollegeClub Early Closure: $25.00 if closed anytime other than maturity dates of January 1st and August 1st each year
Access Cards and Services
ATM (Automated Teller Machine) Cards: Up to 2 free with initial order - Replacements $7.00 each
VISA Check Cards: Up to 2 free cards per account; $3.00 per card thereafter; $10.00 replacement fee
VISA Check Card -College SmartCheck: 1st card free; $3.00 thereafter; discounted replacement fee
CommTEL & CommuNete Access (telephone and online banking services including mobile banking): Free
Wire Transfer
Incoming Wire Transfer Fee: Free
Outgoing Domestic Wire Transfer : $25.00
Outgoing Domestic Wire Transfer 10% Discount With Smart Check Plus Account : $22.50
Outgoing Domestic Wire Transfer 25% Discount With Smart Check Prime Account: $18.75
Outgoing Foreign Wire Transfer (U.S. Currency): $45.00
Outgoing Foreign Wire Transfer (U.S. Currency) 10% Discount With Smart Check Plus Account: $40.50
Outgoing Foreign Wire Transfer (U.S. Currency) 25% Discount With Smart Check Prime Account: $33.75
WT Reprocessing (Amendment): $30.00 per item
Wire Tracer : $40.00 per item
Business Account Miscellaneous Fees
Business Account Early Closure: $50.00 if closed within 90 days of opening
Overdraft Transfer : $10.00 per item for Business BASIC (Free for ADVANTAGE & PRIME accounts)
Non-Sufficient Funds per item for Checks or ACH (includes re-presentments): $50.00 per item
Business Check Orders and Counter-Temporary Checks : Check orders vary depending on style and Counter-Temporary
Checks - $5.00 per sheet (4 checks)
Business Statement Hold: $10.00 per statement
Business Verification of Account or Loan: $5.00
Business Access Cards and Services
ATM (Automated Teller Machine) Cards (SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP ONLY): Up to 2 free with initial order - Replacements $7.00 each
Business VISA Check Card (SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP ONLY): $10.00 per card after: first (2) two (BASIC); first (3) three (ADVANTAGE); first (5) five (PRIME)
CommTEL & CommuNete Access (telephone and online banking services): Free
Business Member Wire Transfer
Incoming Wire Transfers: Free
Outgoing Domestic Wire Transfers: $50.00
Outgoing Foreign Wire Transfers (U.S. Currency): $75.00
Business WT Reprocessing (Amendment): $30.00
Wire Tracers : $40.00
Negotiable Instruments
Money Orders: $1.00 per item
Cashier's Check: $5.00 per check
General Miscellaneous Fees
Deposited Return Items: $15.00
ACH Reprocessing Request: $15.00 per item
Dormant Account Fee : $10.00 per month after 18 months
Stop Payments: $7.00 for a Single Item (or Sequential range of items under a single request)
Cashier's Check Stop Payments: $20.00 per item
Draft (Check) Copy Fee: $1.50 (if after six months of issuance)
Account Inquiry Fee: $1.00 (per inquiry)
Statement Copy: $5.00 per statement period
Account Reconciliation/Research : $25.00 per hour
Notary Services - Members: Free
Notary Services (Non-Member): $15.00 for 1st 2 signatures; $10.00 per signature thereafter
Levy or Garnishment Processing Fee: $25.00 per account
Photo Copy Fee: .50 per copy
Various Discounts Available
Based on specific account types: Various discounts on fees may apply
Share Certificate Early Withdrawal
Certificate Early Withdrawal Penalty: Share Certificate Early Withdrawal Penalty: An early withdrawal penalty of Thirty (30) or Ninety (90) days dividends for certificates less than 12 months and 12 months or greater, respectively, will apply if you choose to withdraw any portion of the principal.
Bylaw Requirements. You must complete payment of one share in a Savings (Share) account as a condition of admission to membership.
Par Value of Shares. The par value of a share in the credit union is $20.00.
Nature of Dividends. Dividends are paid from current income and available earnings, after required transfers to reserves at the end of a dividend period. Not applicable to term share or share certificate accounts.
National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. Member accounts in this credit union are federally insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund.